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Thermal analysis – what is it and how does it work?

It is an extremely important research tool used in many fields of science and industry. It involves assessing the thermal properties of materials under temperature changes. The goal of thermal analysis is to gather information about the reactions occurring in materials as a result of heating or cooling.

Basics of thermal analysis

Thermal analysis allows for the study of thermal reactions, as well as physical and chemical changes in materials. The process involves gradually raising or lowering the material’s temperature while monitoring its behavior. Based on the results, parameters such as melting point, crystallization, thermal decomposition, or mass changes can be determined.

Principle of thermal analysis

Specialized devices are used to measure the material’s response to temperature changes. Depending on the type of analysis, the resulting graphs reveal various properties, such as specific heat, mass loss, or phase transitions. Techniques like Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) are key methods in thermal analysis.

Methods of thermal analysis

DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry)

DSC measures the difference in the amount of heat required to maintain the temperature of the test material and a reference. It helps understand processes like melting, crystallization, and phase transitions.

TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis)

TGA involves measuring the material’s mass change as a function of temperature. It is particularly useful for studying thermal decomposition and oxidation.

Applications of thermal analysis

Thermal analysis is widely used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, aerospace, and construction industries. In the chemical industry, it helps study chemical stability and exothermic and endothermic reactions. For example, in pharmaceuticals, thermal analysis plays a critical role in drug development, ensuring their stability and quality.

In construction, thermal analysis helps assess building materials such as concrete and steel to determine their resistance to temperature changes. Meanwhile, in the aerospace sector, it evaluates composite materials used in the construction of airplanes and rockets.

Examples of thermal analysis applications

Polymers are highly sensitive to temperature changes. Thermal analysis allows the determination of their melting temperature and glass transition, enabling the selection of optimal processing conditions.

Concrete can crack due to rapid temperature changes. Thermal analysis helps determine a safe temperature range in which concrete retains its properties.

Examples of exercises with thermal analysis

This section presents examples of simple exercises that can be performed in a laboratory to understand the principles of thermal analysis. Below is a list of exercises to help explore various aspects of thermal analysis:

  • Determining the melting temperature of a polymer: This study identifies the polymer’s melting temperature using DSC.
  • Measuring thermal decomposition: TGA helps determine the temperature at which a material begins to decompose.
  • Assessing mass change in a material: The material is heated under controlled conditions, and mass changes are recorded as a function of temperature.


Thermal analysis is an extremely versatile research method that enables the evaluation of material properties at various temperatures. Its applications span industries from chemical to aerospace. Techniques such as DSC and TGA allow for an in-depth assessment of thermal stability and chemical reactions occurring in materials.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

What is thermal analysis?

It is a research method that evaluates material reactions under temperature changes. The study includes processes like melting, crystallization, and thermal decomposition.

What methods are used in thermal analysis?

The most commonly used methods are Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). Both allow for the evaluation of various material properties.

In which industries is thermal analysis used?

Thermal analysis is used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, aerospace, and construction industries. It helps evaluate material stability and determine thermal properties.

What is the difference between DSC and TGA?

DSC measures the heat difference between the tested material and the reference, while TGA involves measuring the material’s mass change depending on the temperature.

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