Twierdzenie Thevenina

Thevenin’s Theorem: Basics and Applications in Circuits

Have you ever felt lost while analyzing complex electrical circuits? If so, you’re in the right place. Thevenin’s theorem can become your best friend in solving these challenges.

What is Thevenin’s theorem?

Thevenin’s theorem is one of the fundamental concepts in electrical circuit analysis. It allows you to replace a complex electrical circuit with a simpler equivalent consisting of a single voltage source and a single resistor connected in series. This means you can focus on a simpler circuit instead of dealing with a tangle of components.

The principle of Thevenin’s theorem states that any linear electrical circuit can be replaced by an equivalent circuit comprising Thevenin’s voltage (Vth) and Thevenin’s resistance (Rth), viewed from any two terminals.

How to calculate Thevenin voltage (Vth)?

To calculate Thevenin voltage, you first disconnect the branch for which you want to determine the current. Then, calculate the voltage across the terminals of this branch in the remaining circuit. This voltage is known as Thevenin voltage.

For example, in a circuit with two resistors and one voltage source, disconnect one resistor. Then calculate the voltage at its terminals. This voltage is your Vth. Regardless of the circuit’s complexity, the principle remains the same. Calculating Thevenin voltage simplifies circuit analysis and makes solving complex problems easier.

How to calculate Thevenin resistance (Rth)?

To calculate Thevenin resistance, replace all voltage sources in the circuit with short circuits and all current sources with open circuits. Then, determine the resistance seen from the terminals of the disconnected branch. This resistance is Thevenin resistance.

For example, in a circuit with multiple resistors and voltage sources, replacing sources with their equivalents and calculating the resistance viewed from the terminals provides Rth. This step is crucial for simplifying the circuit and obtaining accurate current or voltage values.

Applications of Thevenin’s theorem

Thevenin’s theorem is widely used in both DC and AC circuits. Its greatest advantage is simplifying complex circuits, making it easier to calculate current or voltage in a specific branch. For instance, in a circuit with multiple resistors and voltage sources, Thevenin’s theorem can help you quickly determine the current through a particular resistor.

In AC circuits, where inductive and capacitive components are present, Thevenin’s theorem simplifies calculations of impedance and voltages. For example, in an RLC circuit, finding the equivalent voltage source and impedance makes analyzing the circuit much easier.


Thevenin’s theorem is a powerful tool for simplifying complex circuits. By replacing a complicated network with a simple equivalent circuit, you can save time and reduce errors in calculations. Whether dealing with DC or AC circuits, this theorem offers a straightforward method for analyzing and solving circuit problems efficiently.

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